Friday, December 01, 2006

Christmas celebration!

The 6th of december, every student in the "studentbuddyprogram" are welcome to celebrate Christmas!

Our plan is that, Linda - head of the international committe, and your studentbuddies, and hopefully - you students, are going to "Jul på Liseberg"

in English - Christmas at Liseberg. I really recommend this, Liseberg is very nice in december! We hope we will have a nice evening at Liseberg with food, many christmas decorations, and lots of other stuff!

Do you want to join? Email me at: I need your answer at wednesday 5th of december, because the studentbuddyprogram will pay the
entrance for you! So email me and I hope all of you can come!


Thursday, November 16, 2006

FFS begins blogging in english

Instead of being forced to scroll through all of the swedish blog to get the information, FFS now starts a blog in english. This is ment to be a help for all of our exchange students and will be published in cooperation with ESS.